Avery has been dealing with a constipation problem for the past couple of months. I took her to the doctor when I took Peyton in for his blood draw. He gave me some great tips to try and take care of the problem. Most of them I have already been doing, but I am going to use the rest. Anyway, since she has been having this problem, it's made her afraid to go to the bathroom. She's afraid that it's going to hurt and that's because it does. I've seen her struggle. She will wait and wait to go. Sometimes I have to force her, other times she waits so long she has an accident. The accidents have been happening more frequently. Most of my friends and family know that I've been dealing with accidents from Cameron for the past 3 years, but that's another story entirely.
Yesterday, I had Tyler go to wake her up from her nap. He came back upstairs and told me that she had wet the bed. We were in the middle of getting ready to go to the boys soccer game. So, I wasn't thrilled to be adding another thing to my to do list. I got down there after about 5 minutes because I was trying to do a million different things. I found Avery walking around with a bare butt. She was holding a clean pair of underwear and was acting a little weird. I walked into her room and gagged. I thought I was going to throw up. It smelled terrible. (You would think I would have known what was going on then.) I started searching for the wet clothes. I found the pants and just assumed that she had put the underwear in the laundry. I then tried to put her underwear on. She didn't want to let me. She said, "Wait I have poop on my butt." I said "What do you mean you have poop on your butt?" She said, "I pooped in my underwear and now I need you to wipe my butt." I said, "If you pooped in your underwear, where did you put it?" She said in a very casual, matter of fact way, "I put it in my drawer." There was also a little tone of "duh" in her voice. Like where else would I think that she would put it. I went into her room and started at the top drawer and began working my way down. I hit the jackpot with the third drawer. I opened it up and screamed. I knew what I was looking for, but was still disturbed when I found it. Sitting in the bottom of the drawer was a big, brown log of poop and her wet underwear. (Thank goodness there weren't any clothes in there.) I asked her why in the world she would do this. She replied, "Well, I didn't want it on my butt. So, I just took it off and put it in there to wait until you came and got it out." Again this was said with the "duh" tone to her voice.
I feel for her. You too. Tiana had this problem when she was about 8 or 9. Don't ever tell her, I told you!! But I used mineral oil. I would put in chocolate pudding, her cereal, oatmeal, anything that could hide it... 1 tbs every day. It helped. (In case this wasn't one of the things your Dr. told you.)
Oh Man!! I'm glad you found that and not me! I think I would have added throw up to the mix and boy what a mess! My niece Eden has the same problem and so I know how scared Avery is to go. They had to get her stool softeners (you can buy them over-the-counter now) and sometimes even laxitives to make her go.
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