I'm pretty sure that I have strep throat again. This will be the 3rd time in about the past month and a 1/2 that I've had it. I have no idea what's causing it. Tyler got it a few days after I did the first time, but he's been the only one. We caught his right at the very beginning and the antibiotics did their job. No one else has had to deal with it. I thought about making another trip to InstaCare yesterday, but decided to tough it out. I did OK for most of the day, but I'm not sure that my tactics are working very well. I don't really want to go. I've tried 2 antibiotics already and they obviously haven't worked. I'll give it another day or two and see what happens. I did want to start tackling my bedroom today, but if I don't feel well I guess I'll just have to wait. How sad.
Ryan is in the air on his way to Boise right at this moment. He's scheduled to be there through Friday. He always says that he hopes to be home sooner. I hope that he can. I know that he really hates to be away from the family. He feels like he's disappointing the kids in some way when he's not around. He hates missing out on anything that they're doing. He always tells them to call him everyday and tell him how their day went. He's going to Boise because I believe St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center has added a wing, or something like that. He's going to work on that and also to help out the guy who works there. There are some problems that are beyond his capabilities. It's still weird when he's gone. Even after being married for almost 10 years and him traveling periodically all that time, I have trouble sleeping when he's not here. I don't really like messing with my sleeping situation. I have a hard time getting my brain to settle down when he's not around. Hmmm. What does that mean? Am I able to fall asleep because I'm tuning him out when he's around? No. I just feel more comfortable when he's here. I guess that means I love him.
I hope you feel better. If you need a break this week, you could bring the kids over to play at my house.
I did a post last night about Billy too, and how much he loves our kids and how I love to be around him, for some reason it didn't post. I probably forgot to push the button that says "publish post".
oops almost forgot... Love the pic.
I am sooo sorry that you got sick again! I hope that by now you are feeling better. I am sorry that I wasn't around to help you out!
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