Thursday, January 29, 2009


I went for jury duty and I even arrived on time (8:30 am). I answered a few questions. Everyone else did too. Then, we all went to another courtroom to wait. A few people were called in for individual questioning. I wasn't one of them. Good. I was pretty sure I was in the clear. After a while, we all went back in to the first courtroom. The judge said both sides were finalizing their list. The judge told us a few stories and amusing anecdotes to help pass the time. The lists were presented and the names agreed upon. The judge said he would then read the 8 names of those who had been chosen. Juror #1: Christa Hendriksen and on down to #8. This was 10:45 am. Swearing in and testimony started right away. We had a lunch break, but essentially listened to testimony until 4:40 pm. We were sent off to nominate a spokesperson and deliberate. I got nominated. We deliberated until 6:30 pm. Found the defendant not guilty. Went back into the courtroom and told them all what we decided. We were thanked for our service and sent on our way. I got home at 7:10 pm and that's all I have to say about that.

It was kind of a long day and I'm glad that it's over. At least I have that $18.00 compensation check to look forward to.


Hizzeather said...

I'm jealous! I've always wanted to be the foreman of a jury. I know it wasn't great timing, but I think it's a cool experience!

Jules AF said...

EIGHTEEN DOLLARS???? Is that just if you're a stay at home mom or does everyone get that much? Surely you're worth more than that!!!! I'm confused.

Kristina P. said...

Not too bad!

We can get paid days off of work, but we have to either chose to get our salary or the money we get from sitting on the jury. Huh, tough call with that.

Rosie and Derek said...

Whew that is a long day! So you made $1.80 an hour? Why do they even bother?!
That's crazy that you ended up being the spokesperson!

Jillene said...

Well--at least it's over and done with. And canI just say that i LOVE Peyton!? Him and I had SOOOO much fun in our short time together. He talked and talked to me, I fed him crackers, we played with some sparkly bracelets (sorry but he LOVED them), & he let me kiss his whole face. Avery was really good too--but she just wanted to watch Dora, so her and Liv just watched Dora. Oh ad of course Cameron cracked me up several times--what a kid!! Thanks for sharing your kids with me--even if it was for a short time. I love them all!!

Lisa said...

What a relief it only lasted one day!

Holly said...

So glad that's over for you. Ooooo, and the things you can do with $18 dollars! Like buy enough gas to get back and forth to the court house! Good thing they pay so well-ha! ha!

danamack1 said...

Wow Lady forewoman or man or whatever they call it these days. Wow a whole 18.00 don't spend it all in one place Glad it is over and maybe you won't have to do it ever again

Kristen said...

The same thing happened to my mom she was thinking that she wouldn't get chosen but then had to be the spokesperson. Aren't you glad that you did it now that it is over?

{Rebecca Fellows} said...

See? That Primary President thing paid off. Leadership all the way, baby!

Christa said...

I'm pretty sure that it will only be $18.00. I know for sure that it's under $20.00. That's the flat rate for everybody. You get it just for showing up. You are then paid around $49.00 a day for each subsequent day that you serve. Being that I was only there the one day, I only get the thanks for coming money.

Erin said...

Wow, what a day. What did you have for lunch? Did you bring something, or did they feed you? I've never done jury duty before.

Christa said...

No such luck on the state providing lunch. Budget cuts. We had to buy our own. However, they did give us suggestions on where to go. They were kind enough to provide us with a little treat in the late afternoon. 1 cookie each and a drink. Very filling.

The Van V's said...

$18's Don't spend it all in one place.....Good news it's over bad news you could get the call again.

Brittany Marie said...

I'm glad Jury Duty didn't hurt and stuff. :p Which court was it at?

Michelle said...

$18??? That's it? That wouldn't even cover a babysitter. Good thing you had Jillene, aye!

Christa said...

It was the 3rd District Court. Is that the Matheson Courthouse? Anyway, the one on 400 South and State.