Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Farewell to an old friend

I've been meaning to do this for a while, but just haven't gotten around to it until now. My alarm clock that I had for the past 18 years, kicked the bucket about 2 months ago. I saw it at Sam's Club just before Christmas 1989 and asked my parents to get it for me. I was so excited when I opened it up. I loved it, used it, abused it and it never complained. It served me well for all those 18 years. Goodbye old friend. You will be missed. (I have no idea why I've been so sappy and nostalgic lately.)
This isn't my actual clock. I found this one doing a google search and it's exactly like mine. I also had something disturbing happen while searching. I found a picture of another one on a site called retrojunk.com. Retro? Things from my youth are now old enough to be considered retro. Needless to say, I didn't use the image from retrojunk. How dare they make me feel old.


Kristina P. said...

I will say a special farewell to Garfield, in my heart.

Holly said...

I had the same alarm clock! I love it too. I also had the phone that matched. Sending memories your way.

Bobie said...

I can relate! My grandma gave me a pillow when I was 5 years old. Billy MADE me throw it away when I was 30. How sad!!

Lisa said...

Oh how I loved Garfield!

Farewell, Garfield, you'll be sorely missed.

danamack1 said...

Oh no not Garfield. What a sad thing

Jillene said...

I will morn the loss with you. We actually saw Ryan when he was buying the new clock (and some birthday cards for you--you're lucky--I never get cards and if I do, they are never even signed).

Anonymous said...

Wow, great clock! Goodbye Garfield! Wow that one is going for $3. Nice!:-)