Friday, July 11, 2008

After taking Tyler and Daphne to school this morning, I took myself and my remaining 3 children to my favorite donut haunt. My Sugar's Donut Shoppe. I love them and no, I can't remember the exact address off the top of my head. I just usually think "donut", point my car in the general direction I know the shop to be and somehow end up there. I just remember 3200 West, just before the freeway. Anyway, I think I ate 4 of them. They were delicious, but instead of eating them I should have just glued them directly onto my butt. That's where they'll end up.


Jillene said...

I LOVE donuts! They are my nemisis. I could eat them everyday if so inclined. I try really hard to only have them once in a while so that I can continue to lose weight (I am down 9 lbs.).

Rosie and Derek said...

Ha ha, that's exactly where anything I eat goes. But it sounds like they were worth it!