Thursday, July 17, 2008

The end is almost here

This evening is the final night to work on our stakes float for the Days of '47 Youth Parade. I'm very relieved to finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm very grateful to the few who have come to help. Every little bit counts, but I'm especially grateful for those who have been able to be there every time. It's cute and it's simple, but that's all it needs to be for a kids float. I've waited to post pictures of it because I thought that I would just wait until it's done. I'll post pictures of it in the actual parade.

It's kind of sad to think that the whole thing will just be taken apart after it's all over. Kind of seems like a waste. Even though it's simple, there's a lot of hard work that's gone into it. I told Ryan that I was going to keep the silhouette of the Salt Lake Temple that's on the back and use it as a headboard for our bed. He didn't really think that I was very funny. He actually didn't even react at all. He's just too cool to be bothered.


Jillene said...

I am glad that it is almost over for you. You have really worked hard on this project. I am sorry that I couldn't help more. I can't wait to see it in the parade (my kids can't wait to be in the parade--matter of fact, they are driving me crazy!! Can Saturday get here any faster?). (0:

Bobie said...

Sorry that I was absolutely NO help at all. In fact, I feel like a schmuck! You will be blessed for all your hard work. I know, easy for me to say!!