Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Do you need an appointment to get in the loony bin, or are walk-ins welcome? (159)

Cameron was doing so well with his issue. It's been at least a couple of weeks since the last accident. He had one this evening and then he lied about it. So, he got the opportunity to go to bed really early. Avery has picked up his stinky ways and has been having multiple accidents everyday for I can't remember how long. NOOOOOOO!!!!! Isn't it enough that I've been dealing with this from Cameron for the past THREE years. Now I have to deal with it from her as well. I can already tell that she's going to be just as difficult. She seems to find the whole thing funny. I don't know what to do. I've tried being really patient and understanding. I've tried yelling and screaming. I've tried taking away favorite toys or privileges. I've tried ignoring it. I've tried making them wash out their own underwear. (They really couldn't care less.) I've tried spanking. I've tried solitary confinement, or going to bed way before the other kids. Nothing I do makes it uncomfortable enough for them to give them a moment's pause and not have the accident. Why won't they just get their butts to the bathroom instead? Why couldn't I at least have a break from this for a while? You know skip a child or something. I'm doing this back to back. If Avery follows Cameron's pattern, I'll be doing this for three years more. What if Peyton has the same trouble? He's one now, if he's "potty trained" by 3 in two years and then continues to have accidents until he's at least 6, that's really 5 more years that I'll be doing this. Plus, I'll be dealing with 2 at the same time again. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! Someone take me away NOW!


Jillene said...

I would have slit my wrists by now! I don't know how you do it! I have 0 patience--I couldn't deal! Maybe if you put the poopy underwear on their heads (making sure it got in their hair & on their face) it would work.

Or you could do what a friend of mine's mom did when she had to train her grandkids and they did this same exact thing. She would take them outside and strip them down and spray them off with the hose. They learned rather quickly to go on the toilet!

Sounds harsh but what else can you do short of putting them both back into diapers--hey maybe that would work. They make night-time diapers in Cameron's's an idea. Maybe the thought of having to wear diapers like a baby would do the trick.

Christa said...

Believe me, I've thought of and tried all kinds of things. I just didn't list all of them. I wasn't blessed with patience. So, I don't know how I've survived for this long. Tyler had a problem with this, but he stopped by the time he was 4. Not Cameron. He's going for the gold medal with this. He wants to be Captain Stinky Pants. I really am at my end though. I'm thinking medical intervention is the next step. Aparently, there's some kind of pill that you can give them in the morning and it makes them have to go approx. 8 hours later. Never fails. It's probably time I demand the doctor give it to them. Otherwise, it may be back to Prozac for me.

Bobie said...

I'm sorry Christa. That has to be very trying. I do however have some Calgon you can borrow....