Monday, April 28, 2008


My washer and dryer are probably the two most used appliances in my house. Next, of course, would be the dishwasher. Jillene published a post about all the laundry she had to do in order to get ready for her vacation. I felt her pain. I very rarely have a day that goes by where I'm not doing laundry. It's constantly happening. Usually 7 days a week. If I miss even 1 day, I feel like I'm 4 days behind. It starts at around 8:00 to 9:00 in the morning and usually doesn't end until at least 10:30, or later at night. Or whenever Ryan tells me I should just stop and go to bed. He's good about helping me, but I like things done the way I want them done. So, enough said. I like to do most of it myself. Except the socks. Oh, how I hate pairing up and folding the socks. I have to admit that most of the time they all sit in one big community sock basket. I usually get sick of digging through it about once a week and finally pair them up, but it's immediately filled back up again with clean ones. I've said before that we were going to become nudists so that I can avoid the hassle of keeping up with the wash. Everyday there's 6 more shirts, pants, underwear, socks, pajamas and towels to wash. There's usually the "odd" unexpected load also. Someone will have had an accident and need all of their bedding washed. Something will spill on a bathroom or kitchen rug and need to be washed. I wish I could have another washer and dryer. That would be heaven. Twenty years ago I never would have thought that I would one day be dreaming about having multiple washers and dryers, but today it's one of my favorite fantasies.


Heather said...

Amen to that! I hear you loud and clear! Socks are my nemesis. Just be glad that the weather is getting warmer...less bulky clothing and less socks! Hooray for sandal season! :)

Bobie said...

My dream.... to own a pair of those sooper dooper heavy duty washer/dryer sets, that you can wash 30 pairs of jeans in one load and it dries in less than 30 minutes!!! What ever happened to our long ago dreams of being a rock star, super model, etc...

Jillene said...

I hear your pain! We got home on Friday night at 9:30 p.m. and I knew that there was laundry but I went to bed and low and behold...there it was when I woke up! I wish there was a magic fairy or pixie that did laundry while we were sleeping! That would be a dream come true!!